Currently, as of Noevember, 2015, I wear the following hats:
Nutty birder who moved to Anchorage, AK in September, 2014.
Married to David Barber, meteorologist in Anchorage (previously the Pastor, First Congregational
Church, UCC, Fort Worth)
Past Treasurer and President, Fort Worth
Audubon Society (FWAS)
Past President, Texas Ornithological Society
Past member, board of directors, American Birding Association
Past President, Northern Hills Bird Club (SD)
Other birding things:
in 2005, I got 522 bird species in a Texas Big Year
in 2008, I got 723 bird species in an ABA Big Year
in 2012, I got 350 bird species in a South Dakota Big Year
in 2013, I did 3 simultaneous big years in Pennington Co., SD (a bit confusing, but true)
My book about my ABA Big Year was published in March 2011: Extreme Birder: One Woman's
Big Year. My book Birds in Trouble is due to be published in March, 2016.