January 1
1. American Crow - Spearfish (Lawrence
2. European Starling - Kerwin Rd. (Lawrence Co.)
3. Sharp-tailed Grouse
4. American
5. Dark-eyed Junco .
6. Blue Jay
7. Black-capped Chickadee
8. Northern Flicker
9. Black-billed
10. Common Redpoll - Lookout Mt. Rd. (Lawrence Co.)
11. House Finch - Johnson Rd. (Lawrence Co.)
12. American Goldfinch
13. Pine Siskin
14. Red-tailed Hawk
15. Wild Turkey
16. Bald Eagle -Lookout Mt. Rd. (Lawrence Co.)
17. Rough-legged Hawk
18. Mallard
19. Common Goldeneye
20. Red-winged Blackbird
- Lookout Mt. Rd. (Butte Co.)
21. Rock Pigeon
22. Ring-necked Pheasant
23. House
24. White-breasted Nuthatch
25. American Tree Sparrow
26. Horned
Lark - Wagon Box Rd. (Butte Co.)
27. Belted Kingfisher - 114 n. of
34 (Lawrence Co.)
28. Brown Creeper - St. Onge (Lawrence Co.)
29. Downy Woodpecker
30. Eurasian
31. Hairy Woodpecker
32. Sharp-shinned Hawk
33. Northern
Shrike - St. Onge Rd. (Lawrence Co.)
34. American Kestrel
35. Lewis's Woodpecker
36. Townsend's
37. Cedar Waxwing
38. Bufflehead - Canyon Lk (Pennington Co.)
39. Canada Goose
40. Common Merganser
41. Harlequin Duck
42. American Coot
43. Gadwall
44. Hooded Merganser
45. Canvasback
46. Cackling Goose
47. American Wigeon
48. Redhead
49. Ring-necked Duck
50. Lesser Scaup
51. Golden-crowned Kinglet
52. Wood
53. Red-breasted Nuthatch - Piedmont (Meade)
54. Killdeer - Woodle Pk, Sturgis (Meade)
Green-winged Teal
56. Golden Eagle - Bear Butte SP (Meade)
57. Great Horned Owl - Elk Vale Rd. (Meade)
58. Northern Harrier - Draper (Jones)
59. Greater Prairie-Chicken - Co. Line Rd. (Stanley)
60. Prairie Falcon
61. Ferruginous Hawk
62. Snowy Owl
63. American Black Duck - Pierre (Hughes)
Purple Finch - Hiddenwood Lk SP (Walworth)
January 4
65. Long-eared
Owl - Hiddenwood Lk SP (Walworth)
66. Bohemian Waxwing
67. Pine Grosbeak
January 5
68. Gray-crowned
Rosy-Finch - Bear Butte (Meade)
January 6
69. Northern Cardinal - Rapid City (Pennington)
January 7
70. Western Meadowlark - on highway 18 (Bennett)
71. Trumpeter Swan - LaCreek NWR (Bennett)
72. Cooper's Hawk
- Rapid City (home)(Pennington)
January 8
73. Song Sparrow - Rapid
City, near Jackson Park (Pennington)
January 9
74. Mourning Dove
- Rapid City, behind home yard (Pennington)
January 10
Pygmy Nuthatch - Nemo Rd. (Lawrence)
76. Canyon Wren - Nemo Rd. (Pennington)
January 13
77. Ring-billed Gull - Fort Randall (Charles Mix Co.)
78. Herring Gull
79. Glaucous Gull
80. Franklin's Gull
January 14
81. California
Gull - Fort Randall (Gregory Co.)
82. Northern Pintail - Chamberlain
(Brule Co.)
83. Ross's Goose
84. Snow Goose
85. Greater White-fronted
86. Short-eared Owl - Co. Line Rd. (Stanley Co.)
January 16
87. Northern Shoveler - Canyon Lake (Pennington Co.)
January 19
88. Barrow's Goldeneye - Fort Randall (Charles Mix Co.)
89. Red-breasted Merganser
90. Lapland Longspur
- Otumwa Rd. (Haakon Co.)
January 20
91. Gray Jay - Custer SP (Custer
92. Red Crossbill
January 24
93. Varied Thrush - Huron (Beadle Co.)
Snow Bunting - e. of DeSmet (Kingsbury Co.)
95. White-winged Crossbill
- Greenwood Cemetery (Brookings Co.)
January 26
96. Evening
Grosbeak - home in mts. near Spearfish (Lawrence Co.)
97. American
Dipper - Spearfish Canyon (Lawrence Co.)
98. Chipping Sparrow - Piedmont
(Meade Co.)
99. Pinyon Jay - Piedmont (Meade Co.)
January 30
100. Eastern Screech-Owl - Rapid City (Pennington Co.)
January 31
101. Gray Partridge - SD20 (Harding Co.)
February 2
102. Black-backed
Woodpecker - Custer SP (Custer Co.)
103. Clark's Nutcracker - Sylvan
Lk. (Custer Co.)
104. Merlin - Sage Creek Rd. (Pennington Co.)
February 9
105. Red-bellied Woodpecker -
Hartford Beach SP (Roberts Co.)
106. Pileated Woodpecker
February 11
107. Thayer's Gull - Oahe (Stanley Co.)
Iceland Gull
109. Greater Scaup - Foggy Bottom along Mo. R. (Stanley
110. Brewer's Blackbird - n. of Sheriff Dam (Jones Co.)
111. Brown-headed Cowbird
112. Yellow-headed
113. Eastern Bluebird - Pickstown (Charles Mix Co.)
114. Long-tailed Duck - Ft. Randall Dam (Charles Mix Co.)
February 22
115. Wilson's Snipe - Woodle Park (Meade Co.)
116. Virginia Rail - McNenny Fish Hatchery (Lawrence Co.)
March 6
117. Mountain
Bluebird - 73 south of Kadoka (Jackson Co.)
March 9
118. Ruddy
Duck - Lake Herman SP (Lake Co.)
119. Common Grackle - roadside (Buffalo
120. Winter Wren - Farm Island (Hughes Co.)
121. Rusty Blackbird - n. of Sheriff Dam (Lyman Co.)
March 13
122. Greater Sage-Grouse - JB road (Harding Co.)
March 16
123. Great Blue Heron - Oahe dam area (Stanley Co.)
124. Mew Gull - Discovery Island (Hughes Co.)
125. Horned
126. Gyrfalcon - off 1804 north of Pierre (Hughes
127. Marsh Wren - LaCreek NWR (Bennett Co.)
128. Eastern Meadowlark
129. American
White Pelican
130. Sandhill Crane - Elk Vale Rd. (Meade Co.)
131. Greater Yellowlegs - Sevey Lake (Meade Co.)
132. Double-crested Cormorant
March 26
133. Pied-billed Grebe
- Belle Fourche Reservoir (Butte Co.)
March 27
134. Tree Swallow - 209th St. (Beadle
135. Blue-winged Teal
136. Lesser Yellowlegs
137. Chestnut-collared Longspur
138. Whooping Crane - 378 Ave & 206th St. (Beadle Co.)
139. Bonaparte's Gull - Oahe tailrace (Stanley Co.)
March 29
140. Common Loon
- Below Fort Randall Dam (Charles Mix Co.)
141. Eared
Grebe - above Dam (Gregory Co.)
142. Eastern Phoebe - Lake Andes
(Charles Mix Co.)
143. American Woodcock - Newton Hills SP (Lincoln
March 30
144. Fox Sparrow - Newton Hills SP (Lincoln Co.)
Field Sparrow - near Oak Ridge GPS (Lincoln Co.)
146. Eastern Towhee
147. Harris's Sparrow
148. Yellow-rumped
Warbler - Lake Lakota (Lincoln Co.)
149. Yellow-bellied Sapsucker -
Newton Hills SP (Lincoln Co.)
150. Burrowing Owl - LaCreek NWR (Bennett
March 31
151. American Three-toed Woodpecker - off Hanna Rd. (Lawrence Co.)
152. Ruffed Grouse
April 2
Turkey Vulture - Canyon Lk., Rapid City (Pennington Co.)
April 3
Long-billed Curlew - Elk Vale Rd. (Meade Co.)
April 5
155. Laughing
Gull - Oahe tailrace (Stanley Co.)
156. Baird's Sandpiper - on 83 (Hughes
157. Great Egret - Stone Lake (Sully Co.)
April 6
158. Loggerhead Shrike - on 73 & at LaCreek NWR (Bennett Co.)
159. Vesper Sparrow - LaCreek NWR
April 8
160. Cinnamon Teal - Sevey Lk. (Meade Co.)
American Avocet
162. Western Grebe - Oahe downstream (Stanley Co.)
163. Forster's Tern
April 10
164. Savannah
Sparrow - Rapid City/home (Pennington Co.)
April 11
165. Ruby-crowned
Kinglet - Jackson Park (Pennington Co.)
April 12
166. Osprey -Oahe (Stanley)
White-faced Ibis - on 14 (Hughes)
168. Marbled Godwit - on 83
169. Long-billed Dowitcher
Great-tailed Grackle - on 83 (Sully Co.)
171. Ruff - on 180 east
of 83 (Sully)
172. Dunlin
173. Pectoral Sandpiper - Sand Lake area (Brown Co.)
April 13
174. Red-necked Grebe - Enemy Swims Lk (Day Co.)
175. Willet - Bitter Lake (Day Co.)
176. Least Sandpiper
- s. of Bitter Lake (Day Co.)
177. American Pipit - on 447 (Codington
178. Black-crowned Night-Heron - on 25 (Clark Co.)
179. Semipalmated Plover - on 438 (Miner Co.)
180. American Golden-Plover
181. Hudsonian
Godwit - on 226 east of 438 (Miner Co.)
182. Semipalmated Sandpiper
- on 44 east of Parkston (Hutchinson Co.)
183. Cattle Egret
April 14
184. Spotted Towhee - Fort Randall Chapel grounds (Gregory Co.)
185. Barn Swallow - on 280 (Charles Mix Co.)
April 17
186. Swainson's Hawk - on 44 (Tripp Co.)
Cliff Swallow - James River bridge on 34 (Sanborn Co.)
April 18
188. Solitary
Sandpiper - Willow Lake (Clark Co.)
189. Snowy Egret - on 34 (Miner
190. Caspian Tern - Discovery Island (Hughes Co.)
April 20
191. White-crowned Sparrow - Waggoner Lake (Haakon Co.)
April 21
192. Tundra Swan - Renzienhausen GPA (Marshall Co.)
193. Glossy Ibis - on 37 (Brown Co.)
194. Glaucous-winged
Gull - south of Lake Thompson (Kingsbury Co.)
195. Purple Martin -
Pierre Capitol (Hughes Co.)
April 23
196. Orange-crowned Warbler -
Canyon Lake (Pennington Co.)
197. White-throated Swift
April 25
198. Bank Swallow - Sevey Lk. (Meade Co.)
Wilson's Phalarope
200. Say's Phoebe - Vieth's Lk. (Meade Co.)
April 26
201. Clark's Grebe - below bridge Pierre (Hughes Co.)
April 27
202. Peregrine Falcon - Torrey Lk. (Brule Co.)
203. Neotropic Cormorant
204. Short-billed
Dowitcher - on pond on 44 (Turner Co.)
April 28
205. House Wren - Appley/Von Hagle wetland (Union Co.)
206. White-throated Sparrow
207. Barred
208. Lincoln's Sparrow - Adams Nature Area (Union Co.)
209. Red-headed Woodpecker - along 291st St. (Charles Mix Co.)
210. Brown Thrasher - Lake Andes nature trail (Charles Mix Co.)
211. Clay-colored Sparrow
Common Yellowthroat
213. Northern Rough-winged Swallow
April 30
214. Spotted Sandpiper - Canyon Lake (Pennington Co.)
May 2
215. Upland Sandpiper - along 14 (Hyde Co.)
216. Chimney Swift - Miller (Hand Co.)
217. Black-necked Stilt
- Huron Wetland Mgmt. District (Beadle Co.)
218. Whte-rumped Sandpiper
- Tacoma Pk. Rd. at James River (Brown Co.)
May 3
219. American
Bittern - north end of Stone Lk. (Sully Co.)
220. Eastern Kingbird
- Farm Island (Hughes Co.)
221. Western Kingbird
May 4
222. Lark Sparrow - 143rd south of Elk Creek Dr. (Meade Co.)
223. Lark Bunting
May 5
224. Red-naped
Sapsucker - Ward Draw (Lawrence Co.)
225. Swainson's Thrush - Foggy
Bottom (Stanley Co.)
226. Wilson's Warbler
May 6
227. Rose-breasted Grosbeak - Foggy Bottom (Stanley Co.)
228. Least Flycatcher
229. Blackpoll Warbler
230. Yellow Warbler
231. Summer Tanager
232. Baltimore Oriole
233. Philadelphia
234. Tennessee Warbler
235. Olive-sided Flycatcher
236. Ovenbird - Fisherman's
Point (Stanley Co.)
237. Palm Warbler
238. Warbling Vireo
239. Northern Waterthrush -
Farm Island (Hughes Co.)
240. Sora - west Rapid City (Pennington Co.)
May 7
241. Violet-green Swallow - Canyon Lk. (Pennington Co.)
May 8
242. Red-necked Phalarope - Sevey Lk. (Meade Co.)
May 9
243. Grasshopper Sparrow - on 44 (Mellette Co.)
Stilt Sandpiper - Torrey Lake (Brule Co.)
245. Bobolink - Lake Andes
(Charles Mix Co.)
246. Green Heron
247. Orchard Oriole
248. Gray Catbird
249. Bell's Vireo
250. Sedge Wren
251. Great Crested Flycatcher - Lewis & Clark Rec. Area (Yankton Co.)
252. Indigo Bunting
253. Yellow-throated
254. Whip-poor-will
255. Chuck-will's-widow
256. Common Nighthawk - Yankton (Yankton
257. Blue-gray Gnatcatcher - Newton Hills SP (Lincoln Co.)
258. Wood Thrush
259. American Redstart
260. Ruby-throated Hummingbird
Nashville Warbler
262. Eastern Wood-Pewee
263. Red-eyed Vireo
264. Scarlet Tanager
265. Northern Parula
May 11
266. Black-throated
Green Warbler - Adams Homestead (Union Co.)
267. Blue-headed Vireo
268. Northern Mockingbird
269. Black-bellied
Plover - pond at 250 & 413 (Hanson Co.)
May 12
270. Dusky
Flycatcher - Schroeder USFS area (Pennington Co.)
May 14
271. Common
Poorwill - off 44 west of Rapid City (Pennington Co.)
May 15
272. Brewer's
Sparrow - Antelope Creek Rd. (Pennington Co.)
273. Yellow-breasted Chat - Hammerquist Rd. (Pennington Co.)
May 16
274. Cassin's Finch - Ward Draw (Lawrence Co.)
275. Black-headed Grosbeak - Spearfish Canyon
276. Common
Tern - Belle Fourche Reservoir (Butte Co.)
May 17
277. Black
Tern - along 14 east of Quinn (Pennington Co.)
278. Little Blue Heron
- 104 east of Hecla (Brown Co.)
279. Tricolored Heron
May 18
280. Chestnut-sided
Warbler - Elwood Pk. Sioux Falls (Minnehaha Co.)
281. Gray-cheeked
Thrush - Outdoor Campus
282. Blue-winged Warbler - Newton Hills
SP (Lincoln Co.)
283. Mourning Warbler
May 19
284. Willow Flycatcher - Lake Andes NWR (Charles Mix Co.)
285. Dickcissel - south of Wagner
286. Barn Owl
- Lake Andes
287. Least Tern - along Missouri River along 19 (Clay Co.)
288. White-eyed Vireo - Sherman Pk, Sioux Falls (Minnehaha Co.)
289. Pine Warbler
May 21
Kentucky Warbler - Oak Ridge GPA (Lincoln Co.)
May 23
Ruddy Turnstone - on 264 west of 45 (Brule Co.)
May 24
Bay-breasted Warbler - Sherman Park, Sioux Falls (Minnehaha Co.)
Alder Flycatcher
294. Least Bittern - Hecla Marsh (Brown Co.)
May 26.
295. Lazuli Bunting - Hammerquist Rd. (Pennington Co.)
May 28
296. Cordilleran Flycatcher - Canyon Lake (Pennington Co.)
297. Blue Grosbeak - Hammerquist Rd. (Pennington Co.)
May 29
298. Bullock's
Oriole - Hammerquist Rd. (Pennington Co.)
299. Western Wood-Pewee
300. Rock Wren - Badlands National Park on 240 (Jackson
301. Western Tanager - Hot Brook Rd. Hot Spring (Fall River
302. Lesser Goldfinch - Southern Hills Golf Course
303. Sage Thrasher - on 18 west of Edgemont
June 2
304. Virginia's Warbler - Roby Canyon (Fall River Co.)
305. Broad-tailed Hummingbird - Hell Canyon
306. MacGillivray's Warbler
307. Plumbeous Vireo
June 5
Henslow's Sparrow - near Reed Ranch dam area (Lyman Co.)
June 7
Black-billed Cuckoo - Sage Creek Rd./Badlands (Pennington Co.)
June 8
Swamp Sparrow - 400th & 234th (Sanborn Co.)
June 9
Veery - Sica Hollow SP (Roberts Co.)
June 10
Baird's Sparrow - N. Camp Crook Rd. (Harding Co.)
June 11
313. Cassin's Kingbird - just north of Pine Ridge (Shannon Co.)
June 16
314. Yellow-billed Cuckoo - Elk Vale Rd. (Meade Co.)
June 22
315. Sprague's Pipit - Lemmon Lk Rd. (Perkins Co.)
June 23
316. Northern Saw-whet Owl - road off Camp Crook Rd. (Harding)
July 2
317. Nelson's Sparrow - Collin's Slough (Hand Co.)
July 3
318. Common Gallinule - 208th (Brown Co.)
July 6
Golden-winged Warbler - Galena Rd. (Lawrence Co.)
July 7
Black-and-white Warbler - Ft. Meade Rec. Area (Meade Co.)
July 10
Scissor-tailed Flycatcher - Sage Creek Rd. (Pennington Co.)
July 14
Broad-winged Hawk - Galena Rd. (Lawrence Co.)
July 16
Piping Plover - west of Greenwood along Mo. R. (Charles Mix Co.)
July 17
Northern Bobwhite - on south end of Ponca Creek road ("Co. Rd. 43") (Gregory Co.)
July 19
325. Rufous Hummingbird - Hell Canyon (Custer Co.)
July 30
326. Buff-breasted Sandpiper - Torrey Lake area (Brule Co.)
327. Yellow-crowned Night-Heron - east of New Holland (Douglas Co.)
August 4
328. Northern Goshawk - near Sheridan Lk. (Pennington Co.)
August 20
329. Yellow-bellied Flycatcher - Sica Hollow SP (Marshall)
330. Blackburnian Warbler
331. Canada Warbler
August 22
332. Carolina Wren - Echo Pt. (Stanley Co.)
August 28
333. Pacific Wren - Ward Draw (Lawrence Co.)
August 31
334. Sanderling
- west of Pickerel Lake (Day Co.)
335. Red-shouldered Hawk - Sica Hollow
SP (Marshall Co.)
336. Magnolia Warbler - Sica Hollow SP (Roberts Co.)
September 3
337. Green-tailed Towhee - Whitney Preserve (Fall River Co.)
October 6
338. Le Conte's Sparrow - Sparrow Fields (Hughes Co.)
October 11
339. Hermit
Thrush - Newton Hills SP (Minnehaha Co.)
October 16
340. Golden-crowned
Sparrow - Sioux Falls (Minnehaha Co.)
October 23
341. Surf Scoter
- Gavin's Point area (Yankton Co.)
342. Smith's Longspur - west of
Salt Lake (Deuel Co.)
October 30
343. Red-throated Loon - Shadehill
Reservoir (Perkins Co.)
November 7
344. Black Scoter - sw corner
of county (Lake Co.)
345. Pacific Loon - Lake Madison (Lake Co.)
November 8
346. Great Black-backed Gull - Discovery Island area (Hughes Co.)
November 15
347. Hoary Redpoll - Fort Pierre Nat. Grassland (Stanley Co.)
November 29
348. White-winged Scoter - Revheim Bay Rec. Area (Walworth Co.)
December 1
349. Brant - Pierre (Stanley Co.)
December 29
350. Lesser
Black-backed Gull (Charles Mix Co.)